Why Bifidobacteria Are So Good for the Body

fit girl working out using the eliptical machine

Living inside one’s intestines right now are at least a 1,000 different types of bacteria. A few of them are not so good for the body but Bifidobacteria happens to be one of the ones that is. Bifidobacteria is a “y” shaped bacteria that helps break down fiber and complex carbohydrates. After breaking down the fiber and carbohydrates from one’s food, it helps the body produce B vitamins, prevents and fights off infection, and can even help with the immune system. Do people have enough Bifidobacteria in their intestinal bacteria?

Key Takeaways:

  • The gut microbiome is now being evaluated by researchers. A number of factors could influence digestion that goes on there for people.
  • The gut could actually control the immune system late in life. There could be upwards of 1000 species of gut bacteria in the body.
  • Diverse bacteria can aid digestion and give people better immune systems. It helps to develop a firm understanding of the body’s digestion.

“Fiber has been shown to help reduce weight gain and the risk of diabetes, heart disease and other chronic disorders.”

Read more: https://authoritynutrition.com/why-bifidobacteria-are-good/