Where to Buy Keto-Friendly Pasta?

can you eat pasta on keto?

Every keto dieter has their version of struggle regarding food restrictions. As for myself, it’s not easy for me to let go of my favorite pasta meals, and you can’t just deny how staple they are in my daily lifestyle, which led me to seek better alternative options to curb my cravings. Most people love how versatile pasta is and can’t get tired of them as there are thousands of ways to cook them and different flavors to try.

In this blog post, I’m going to share a secret of mine on some of my favorite go-to keto-friendly pasta meals and where is the best place for you to find them.


Low Carb Orzo Pasta

If you’re someone who enjoys the warmth of an Italian bowl of soup and broths, the Low Carb Orzo Pasta is a must-try for you. These are low-carb small rice-shaped pasta that would most certainly curb your cravings in an instant. You’ll be surprised that this Orzo Pasta is only 55cals per 57g of serving. You’ll surely forget that you’re even on a diet once you try them for yourself!


Low Carb Pasta Shells

Is there a part of you where you tell yourself you had to let go of macaroni and cheese once you entered the keto dungeon? Don’t worry, you’re not alone, and just like many other people who have tried this Low Carb Pasta Shells, it is indeed possible. Pasta Shells are mainly used for baked dishes and occasionally used for soups as well. Nevertheless, you’re finally able to enjoy these Low Carb Pasta Shells guilt-free!


Low Carb Pasta Rotini

Are you planning to create a beautiful food presentation for your family gatherings during the holidays? You most certainly should channel your creative juices with these Low Carb Pasta Rotini. These are corkscrew-shaped pasta mainly used for dishes like tomatoes and other oil-based sauces. You may use them in many different ways but make sure you bring your A-Game to the presentation.


Low Carb Pasta Fettuccine

Before we get caught up with these odd-shaped kinds of pasta, let’s not forget about the classic fettuccine responsible for the all-time favorite pasta dishes out there. Elegant, easy to eat, versatile, and perfectly balanced meal is what you would undoubtedly expect when it comes to Fettuccine Pasta. Get crazy with different recipes online, mainly for creamy dishes. You won’t regret trying out these Low Carb Pasta Fettuccine!


Low Carb Pasta Elbows

Another popular option for pasta lovers is this Low Carb Pasta Elbows. These elbow-shaped pastas are behind the infamous macaroni recipes out there. Highly versatile and a perfect ingredient for family gatherings. Maccaroni Pasta or Elbow Pasta is ideal for dishes with creamy sauces, stir fry, soups, and even salads!


Now that you know my favorite go-to kinds of pasta, you’ll be pleased to know that you can find them all in just one place. ThinSlim Foods is a one-stop shop for low-carb food sources, and you can find a variety of pasta that would satisfy your cravings while on keto!