What is the Paleo diet and what can be eaten?

chef's hand chopping up celery

The paleo diet focuses on following the meal structures of our hunter gatherer ancestors. It’s a retro inspired diet plan that focuses heavily on healthy fats, meat, and lots of fruits and vegetables. Paleo steers clear of processed foods, including most refined sugars and carbohydrates such as breads and cereals. The theory behind paleo is the human body evolved to eat certain things, and modern food science and practices have drifted us away from that baseline. By following paleo, adherents hope to get and stay healthier.

Key Takeaways:

  • A paleo diet disdains modern processed foods, carbohydrate heavy foods, and anything containing refined sugars or salt.
  • The core of a paleo diet is meat, fish, and eggs, along with a variety of fruits and vegetables.
  • One concern with paleo diets is over the lack of carbohydrates; very active individuals may find themselves lacking energy without enough carbs.

“the diet plan omits anything our ancestors wouldn’t have had access to, as these foods are said to put a strain on our digestive system.”

Read more: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health-fitness/nutrition/diet/paleo-diet-can-eat/