Top 10 Foods for the Ketogenic Diet

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If anyone is using the Ketogenic diet to lose weight and/or to promote their best health, there are a few foods that they should be eating on a regular basis. These are the best Keto-foods that people can consume, offering great taste and health value. Olive oil, eggs, seafood, meat, poultry, and surprisingly, dark chocolate, are among the top 10 good for people Keto foods that they should not leave off of their menus if they want the best.

Key Takeaways:

  • Low-fat, high-card and keto friendly foods are actually beneficial to us.
  • Foods that are typically thought to be high in fat and cholesterol are usually packed with other beneficial nutrients.
  • Meats, other animals by-products and plants are essentially and extremely good for humans.

“We commonly hear about how meat, poultry, and seafood are a high-quality protein source, but did people know that they contain essential nutrients that cannot be found in plant foods?”

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