Are Muffins Keto?

keto muffin

Everybody loves muffins, especially those you see at your favorite coffee shops. You can’t resist drooling over those blueberry or chocolate chip muffins. Trust me when I say that you are not alone! However, muffins have a lousy reputation, as they tend to have very high calories, sugars, fat, and everything deemed unsuitable for a healthy diet.

Like any other pastries and delicious baked goodies, muffins are also a question mark for keto dieters. Many people are asking whether it’s allowed, how to eat muffins during keto, and are there any other options. In this blog, we’ll dive deeper into this topic and hopefully answer all your questions regarding this topic. 

Can You Eat Muffins On Keto?

The primary goal of the ketogenic diet is to reach the state of ketosis, wherein you’ll be using fats and protein as your primary source of energy, contrary to the typical carb-dominant diet that most people are used to. Achieving ketosis and possibly keeping that state poses a lot of health benefits aside from the fact that it’s primarily done for weight loss. The only downturn with the so-called diet is that you’ll be restricted from some of the best foods, which contain too many carbs. 

Along with this long list are pastries, which, as we all know, muffins belong in this category. Does this mean it’s impossible to eat your favorite blueberry muffins while on keto? Technically, you can, but you’ll have a hard time fitting them as they will eat up all your carb ceiling for the whole day in just a piece of muffin.

A better option is that most advanced keto dieters try to find alternative low-carb food options for the foods they are craving. Fortunately, the keto community has earned all the credibility over the years. Businesses have managed to find ways to cater to the keto market by offering healthy low-carb alternatives to help curb their cravings and still enjoy the foods they love.

Best Keto Low-Carb Muffins

Dieting doesn’t have to be so bland, and there’s always a way to make it as enjoyable as you want. One of the best ways to curb your cravings is to look for low-carb options explicitly made for ketogenic dieters like you. Fortunately, ThinSlim Foods does an excellent job of providing healthy and, most importantly, tasty Keto Low-Carb Muffins